God has brought Living Water Lutheran Church into a great change by joining us together with Clark Fork Lutheran Church!
For nearly sixty years Clark Fork Lutheran Church has ministered to this area faithfully by God’s grace. God continues to lead His people in Clark Fork to move forward in the ministry to which He has called us by leading Clark Fork Lutheran into a great change.
Earlier this past spring, under the direction of Pastor Dick Matson of Coeur D’Alene and with the leadership of Ed Gould, congregation president, Clark Fork Lutheran unanimously voted to cease its fellowship with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) with the intention of joining the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (LCMS). The members of Clark Fork Lutheran stated at that time, their intention was to join our new LCMS church plant, Living Water Lutheran Church, which was started in October of 2009 in Clark Fork. Our goal was to join both church bodies officially in a dedication service on October 16th, 2011. At that time, our two fellowships became one, we are now under one church name: “Living Water Lutheran Church,” meeting under one roof (the historic Clark Fork Lutheran Church building on 2nd & Callahan), together serving our God and King.
As a licensed deacon for the Northwest District of the LCMS, I function as the pastor of Living Water and I am excited as this upcoming transition increases our opportunity to proclaim Christ in our community.